
Secure Beginnings / Blog Standard / Blog (Page 6)

written by Marsha McKeon, Ph.D. Clinical Director Even before we hold our baby in our arms for the first time, we have clear and beautiful ideas of how it will go, how it must go. We imagine all the joy, the profound love, the perfect holding and tireless effort to give our child more than we ever...

written by Terra Solecki, Secure Beginnings Core Class Facilitator “Do less, observe more, enjoy most!”– Magda Gerber, founder of Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) Each Secure Beginnings class begins with a period of quiet observation. We invite families to settle into a comfortable place in the room. For children it is a time to explore, to go...

written by Carol Castanon, Child Development Specialist A new baby cries with frequency and volume. Sometimes it may take 2 weeks to hear the powerful newborn cry. Every parent knows the pull of an infant’s cry. This cry, mouth open and body trembling, necessarily gets the attention of others. Newborns will often cry in the late afternoon or early...

written by Tom McGee, LCSW Many parents of infants and toddlers, that I talk to, seem overwhelmed.  Mothers or fathers who spend the day with their children experience a long day of interrupted moments and partially finished tasks.  They often come to the end of the day wondering where the time went.  They are exhausted and...

written by Tom McGee, L.C.S.W. Having grown up in a family in which my mother was responsible for all the child-rearing activities and my father was responsible for bringing home the paycheck, I knew I wanted to be more involved in my children’s care when they were born than my father had been with me and my...